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A Onda Rolou na Praia

Below you will find a song wich is used in capoeira. I hope you will enjoy the lyric. Together with the berimbau, the pandeiro and other instruments like agogo, atabaque, clapping hands, the songs will come alive. Capoeira songs are easy written end easy to learn. I hope you found a nice capoeira lyric that suits your mood!

A Onda Rolou na Praia


Portuguese: English:
A onda rolou na praia
e voltou correndo ao mar

A onda rolou na praia
e voltou correndo ao mar

Capoeira balançou
no rolê voltou a jogar

Capoeira balançou
no rolê voltou a jogar

Meia-lua cortou o vento
Rasteira foi lá buscar
Capoeira balançou
no rolê voltou a jogar

Capoeira balançou
no rolê voltou a jogar

Segura seu moço
Deixa o corpo balançar
no toque do berimbau
Capoeira vai ter que rolar
na cadência do atabaque
Quero ver nego pular
Capoeira balançou
no rolê voltou a jogar

Capoeira balançou
no rolê voltou a jogar
The wave rolled on the beach 
and went back fast to the sea

The wave rolled on the beach
and went back fast to the sea

The capoeirista balanced
in the roll and went back to play

The capoeirista balanced
in the roll and went back to play

Meia-lua cut the wind 
Rasteira went there to get it
The capoeirista balanced
in the roll and went back to play

The capoeirista balanced
in the roll and went back to play

Hold man 
Let your body balance
when berimbau is played
a capoeirista needs to roll
in time to the atabaque
I want to see the (black) guy jump
The capoeirista balanced
in the roll and went back to play

The capoeirista balanced
in the roll and went back to play